Gerrard Charnley declared himself ‘proud to be a paedophile’ as he documented his sick thoughts in a secret diary
Gerrard Charnley(Image: Cheshire Police)
A paedophile collected so many child abuse pictures and videos that the police were unable to count just how many files he had downloaded. Gerrard Charnley documented his sickening desires in “horrific” detail within a disturbing diary.
The pervert declared himself “proud to be a paedophile” in the secret book, which was recovered by the police alongside a list of children whom he wanted to rape. He also trawled the dark web in order to amass a collection of hundreds of thousands of indecent images, having developed a “compulsive obsession” with such materials.
Liverpool Crown Court heard this week that officers attended Charnley’s home on Coronation Drive in Widnes on February 27 last year and seized a total of 12 electronic devices. When analysed, these were found to contain a number of documents which had been created by the 52-year-old.
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Sarah Holt, prosecuting, described how these included one entitled “My Paedophile Diary”, which “contained references to specific dates and what the defendant wanted to do to particular children”. In one entry from June 2016, Charnley wrote: “I want to rape [girl’s name] some day very soon. I’m proud to say this as a paedophile.”
This diary also contained a list of Charnley’s favourite websites for viewing indecent images of children and a list headed “preteen s**gs I’d love to rape”. Other Word documents and PDF files he had created included “Paedo Thoughts 2019”.
He was meanwhile found to have used his laptop to access the dark web, with his browser containing bookmarks for sites labelled “paedo links”, “naughty kids” and “little girls”. The history of the VLC Media Player app on his Samsung Galaxy tablet also showed that Charnley had watched videos with titles which were “indicative of material containing containing child abuse”.
He was further shown to have accessed Reddit pages concerning “schoolgirl skirts” and “schoolgirl s**ts”. He meanwhile downloaded “paedophile manuals” entitled “The Paedophile’s Handbook” and “How to Practice Child Love”, documents which “contained advice and guidance about abusing children”.
Charnley was also found to have collected a total of 15,081 pictures and 2,308 videos graded as being in category A, those showing the most serious forms of abuse. These included images of babies being raped.
He further downloaded 17,383 category B images and 169,968 category C images, as well as nine computer generated prohibited images of children and nine extreme pornographic images. More than 230,000 additional images were not categorised by the police due to the sheer volume of material present on his devices.
Under interview, Charnley claimed that he “remembered downloading documents such as a paedophile manual, but thought he had deleted it without reading it”. He however confessed to having a sexual attraction to children which had “progressed through the years”, but which he stated was a “fantasy in his head” which he “would never act out on”.
Myles Wilson, defending, told the court that his client had contacted Stop It Now, a charity which works to prevent child sexual abuse, following his arrest and suffers from “poor physical and mental health”. He added: “He gives help to his elderly father, who has mobility issues and rarely leaves the house. The defendant does his father’s shopping.
“Clearly he had become obsessed with this type of material, almost a compulsion. He was open with the police in acknowledging that he has issues and that he finds children attractive.
“He does not want to be in this position in the future. He was relieved, he tells me, when he was arrested, because he realised that this chapter of his life was coming to an end.”
Charnley admitted possession of indecent images of children, three counts of making indecent images, possession of prohibited images of children, possession of extreme pornographic images and possession of a paedophile manual. Appearing in the dock wearing a grey suit and glasses, he was jailed for 14 months on Thursday.
Sentencing, the Honorary Recorder of Liverpool Judge Andrew Menary KC said: “This court sees, sadly, many cases of this type. But your case, compared to others, is one where the nature of the material recovered and the content of the images depicted is truly shocking.
“There were so many images, something approaching half a million, recovered from your devices. I am told that there are 232,000 images which remain uncategorised, such was the sheer scale of the task. It is safe to say that your collection of images was enormous by any standard.
“You appear to have been keeping a diary of the sorts of things you would like to do to children. They are horrific. They may well be you playing out your fantasies in writing, but they demonstrate the depraved, perverted nature of your desires and your reason for accessing all of this material.
“This written material demonstrates clearly that yours was not an idle obsession, but one where you were fixated on the abuse of children. It is trite to observe that while you yourself did not generate these images, your accessing of them and collecting of them develops a market for this sort of material.
“There is mitigation available to you. I suspect that you were living a fairly solitary existence on your own at home. You have been in employment in the past, but not for many years.
“You do not enjoy good health. I have seen letters from your family which confirm that, in all other respects, you are a perfectly decent man who cares for members of his family.
“I have given very careful consideration to whether or not any sentence other than immediate imprisonment is available for this particular offending. It is often the case that defendants such as you, who have committed this type of offence, will benefit from construction intervention by the Probation Service.
“But there are some offences which fall into a category where the offending can only be described as particularly serious of its type. I am afraid that that is the position so far as you are concerned.
“I am satisfied that only an immediate term of imprisonment is appropriate to deal with offending of the scale and type described in this case where you have quite deliberately, over many years, sought out and collected a huge quantity of appalling material. Alongside that you have generated your own material, demonstrating that you have a clear desire to participate in the abuse of these children.”
Charnley was also handed a 10-year sexual harm prevention order and told to sign the sex offenders’ register for the next decade. He nodded when he was told he would be going to prison and told the judge as he left the dock: “I’m guilty. I’m sorry, ok.”