A resident fears plans for a former Huddersfield takeaway to sell alcohol will lead to “frequent crime” and would “harm” local children.
An application has been submitted to Kirklees Council which would allow the premises of what used to be the Canton Chinese takeaway at Old Wakefield Road, Moldgreen, to sell alcohol. According to the public notice, the application is for a business trading as ‘Stop and Shop’ and is for the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises between 8am and 2am Sunday to Thursday, and 8am to 4am on Friday and Saturday.
However, a local resident has made their formal objection to the plans known, fearing for the impact the move would have on the surroundings should approval be granted. They said: “The sale of alcohol within this area will result in the deterioration of public cleanliness with bottles and cans littering the area, littering the banks, littering the flower beds as they already are on numerous occasions.
“This will result in frequent crime under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 of littering within this area as well as public disorder, with more drinks and alcoholics loitering around the church with an easy supply nearby. It only takes reasonable knowledge to understand that the sale of alcohol from this shop will lead to crime and public disorder.”
They continued to explain the business’s close proximity to Moldgreen Primary School and feared the plans would put children at risk, and added: “This is a matter of public health and protecting children from harm. Being exposed to the sight of drunks and alcoholics is traumatic and could lead to children being influenced or traumatised by this behaviour.
“Allowing the licence of sale of alcohol at these premises is outright ignoring the risks and danger it could lead to, putting the council at fault for any public nuisance, harm to children, increase in littering and disorder.”
The public have until Thursday, January 9 to comment on the application.
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