House extension could get green light despite residents’ HMO fears

Plans to extend a home in Elmdon have attracted objections from concerned neighbours who fear it could become a HMO. A final decision is set to be made by Solihull planners on the application this week.

Applicant Mr Heera originally applied in October to erect a two-storey side and first floor rear extension to the property in Victor Road. But during a consultation nine objections led Solihull Council officers to refer it to the authority’s planning committee to make the decision.

Objections submitted to the authority include:

  • Alleged use as a house of multiple occupancy
  • Impact on privacy
  • Concerns over rise in anti-social behaviour
  • Parking concerns

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Solihull Council officers have recommended it be approved, subject to conditions. Officers wrote: “This proposal is for extensions to a domestic dwelling under a householder application, there is no reference to a change of use (to a HMO) within the application.

“There is sufficient parking on site. No evidence has been provided to support this allegation (of a rise in anti-social behaviour).

“The proposed extension is considered acceptable in terms of size and design. The proposal does not have a detrimental impact on the amenities of the adjacent neighbours and does not have an undue effect upon the character of the host dwelling or the area generally.”

The application will be heard at the committee’s next meeting being held at the Civic Suite on Wednesday, January 8. The meeting, which starts at 6pm, is open to the public or can be watched live on the authority’s website at

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