Jealous boyfriend threatened to slit man’s throat after asking ‘is anything going on with my missus?’

A man threatened to slit a man’s throat after he became suspicious that his partner was having an affair. Mazafer Maroof was originally friendly with the victim who was his girlfriend’s neighbour.

But the 42-year-old switched when he began believing that they were sneaking around behind his back. Maroof said that his victim was a “dead man” during a period of harassment.

Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard on two occasions the police were called after Maroof threatened violence. He has now been sentenced to seven weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months, with a rehabilitation activity requirement for 12 months.

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Prosecutor David Bennett said the victim lived in Etruria, next door to the defendant’s girlfriend. At one stage the defendant and the victim exchanged phone numbers as they were on friendly terms, StokeonTrentLive reports.

But as time went, on Maroof asked the victim ‘if anything was going on with his missus’. Mr Bennett said: “He seemed insecure in his relationship.”

Maroof knocked on the victim’s door at 8.50am on July 24, 2023. Mr Bennett said: “The man opened the door and saw the defendant leaning on his car. There was an exchange of words. The defendant told the complainant he was a dead man.

“He threatened to cut his throat and lunged at the complainant. The man shut the door and locked it behind him. The defendant kicked at the door. Some minor damage was caused to the door.

“The complainant called 999 and the police arrived. They found the defendant at the top of the cul de sac. He was searched. No knife was recovered. No action was taken by the police at that stage.”

The victim later received a message from Maroof which said: “Keep away from her”, the court heard. At 8.25am on July 25, the victim looked out his window and saw Maroof. “The defendant felt the man was in a relationship with the woman who lived next door,” Mr Bennett said. “There was an argument between them.

“The defendant was seen to clench his fist and say, ‘Come on then’. The complainant remained at his address and contacted the police. Officers arrested the defendant at 9.30am.”

The victim now feels as though he needs to move address after the harassment had a profound effect on him, the court heard. Barry White, mitigating, said Maroof’s dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness and he turned to drugs.

He said Maroof is remorseful and there has been no interaction with the victim since the incident. Maroof, of Avenue Road, Shelton, pleaded guilty to section 4 harassment causing fear of violence.

Recorder Robert Smith made Maroof the subject of a restraining order which prevents him contacting his victim or going to the street in Etruria where he lives for five years. The judge said Maroof was paranoid and believed the victim was having an intimate relationship with his then partner.

Recorder Smith told Maroof: “Prior to this you had been on friendly terms. This behaviour came entirely out of the blue. I accept you had some tragedies in your family prior to this. I accept your mental health was deteriorating. But there was no excuse at all for your behaviour.”

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