Plans unveiled to build homes on grounds of grand manor house

Fresh plans have been submitted to Peterborough City Council to build new homes on the grounds of a listed manor house. The proposal comprises a full planning application for nine homes within the former farmyard area of the Manor House on High Street, Glinton, a Grade II* listed property.

Applicant, Alston Country Homes, is also seeking listed building consent for works to a dovecote structure on the site, which is proposed to be incorporated into one of the homes. Planning permission for a similar development on the site with 10 homes was refused in July 2022 due to proposed alterations to the listed dovecote building and the loss of historic fabric.

Another revised application for 10 homes was submitted in a bid to rectify the issues, but it was withdrawn in October 2023 as the revisions were not considered to fully address the planning and heritage concerns.

Alston Country Homes says it undertook further pre-application consultation and has now reduced the number of proposed homes to nine.

The latest application states: “It is considered that the revised development proposals – following the recent refusals – represent an appropriate scale and form of development that is acceptable on its planning merits. The dwellings are appropriately designed in their context and the scheme includes an appropriate scheme for the retention and re-use of the disused dovecote building (revised in the light of the earlier refusal).

“No heritage harm will flow from the development proposals. The proposals accord with relevant national and local planning policies.” The proposed site is located within the village envelope for Glinton, and is allocated for housing development.

The land has been earmarked for homes
(Image: Alston Country Homes)

The development would consist of two two-bedroom homes and seven homes with four or more bedrooms, all built with a barn style design.

Jonathan Biggadike, a historic buildings consultant, said: “The potential impact of the proposals on the fabric of the dovecote has been sensitively reduced by the application of appropriate massing and architectural detailing in combination with high-quality materials appropriate to the host building and site context.”

The planning application will be decided on by planners at a later date.

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